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No New Posts The King's Chamber

Nicknamed the King's Chamber, the vampire king resides here in his white walled cell. Test subjects are allowed to visit him if they would like. His blood is the reason many of them survived the process of becoming a test subject. His DNA is shared by all the test subjects in the V group, in a way you could say they're family.

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No New Posts Werewolf Cells

Here is the werewolf cells. Like the vampire king they are unable to leave, and are chained to the cell with only enough chain to get around the cell. The cells are exactly the same as the vampire king's and the test subject's. There are multiple werewolf cells, and some of them are there to have their DNA taken and used in experiment, some are in the process of becoming Turics. The Test subjects are allowed to come meet the ones who donate DNA against their wills. The W group shows the most interest here. The ones who have been dissected are most likely already dead...

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No New Posts Demon Cells

The demons are in a very similar situation as the werewolves. However they're a special case. They must be kept in their human forms or else they could escape, so they've been fitted with special collars and anklets which were specially made to suppress their powers. They are unable to use any of their powers, and are helpless as long as no one unlocks their collars and anklets. Test subjects are allowed to come gawk and them, but demons rarely ever feel like chatting with mortals. However they do happen to show some interest for the D group.

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Level 1

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Rebirth
Viperess 0 653 by Viperess
Oct 19, 2012 20:41:51 GMT


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Level 1
In one small room is a pale, man. He happens to be the king of Vampires. He is chained to the wall, and the chain is just long enough for him to move around his cell. His cell is the same as the test subject's but he can't leave. He's got chains around one foot and one wrist, keeping him chained to the cell. Every day the scientists come and draw a large amount of his blood, he's weakened by this and is unable to escape. They also deliver him blood and food so he won't starve. He wouldn't be able to die from starvation, but it's better he be healthy. Test subjects are allowed to go look at him, and chat with him. He is the reason most of them survived becoming a test subject after all. In other places on the floor are the other captured monsters, with similar problems.
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