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No New Posts Operating Room

The operating room. Here Test subjects are strapped to the table and injected with strange chemicals and fluids. The jar of blood in the middle of the room belongs to Kyo Kiri, the king vampire who happens to be a pureblood vampire. His blood can cure anything, and is used to make sure the Test Subjects don't die. However it can't bring the dead back to life, so if you suddenly flat line, your out of luck. A few monsters are taken here and disected, but they usually don't do that. Instead they create human weapons mixed with the DNA of monsters here.

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No New Posts Training Room

On the north wall is a rack of paintball shooting weapons, and dull, plastic knives. On the floors are mats on top of wooden floors. The walls are white, but seem to be made of a rough stone. Here the Test Subjects are taught hand to hand combat and martial arts. They are taught how to use weapons, and how to fight. They have mock battles, and if anyone actually does get hurt they are just sent to the infirmary. If anyone should die the killer is only warned to be a little more careful, and save their all for the enemy. They aren't even given the usual brutal punishments that misbehaving Test subjects are given. which include anything from beatings to whippings with a lash.

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No New Posts Infirmary

The infirmary. There is a waiting room for those waiting to have a few stitches sown in. For serious cases the Test Subjects are injected with the magical blood of a pureblood vampire, any internal problems disappear, and most wounds end up closed within a few minutes.

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Level 2

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Rebirth
Viperess 0 653 by Viperess
Oct 19, 2012 20:41:51 GMT


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Level 2
A white room. Pure white. Beds with straps on them are pushed against the walls, syringes and a big jar of red fluid placed on the white table. This is where all normal human teenagers turn into subjects. The laboratory where this is done takes up a large part of the floor. However down the hall is an even larger room where successful test subjects are trained in hand to hand combat, and how to handle weapons, the weapons they use are almost exactly like the real things but they only shoot paint balls. Sometimes in training the test subjects have to fight each other, using only their bodies and paintball guns. If anyone gets seriously injured they are sent to the infirmary where the nurse uses the magical blood of the vampire king to heal any ailment.
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