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No New Posts Abandoned Camp

This is a uninhabited camp that seems to be just left behind. the houses are all emptied out except for a few that still have some basic furniture that no one bothered to take with them. It's a bit eerie with all the barbed wire fences and silence but there is no sign of danger here. Vegetation has started to take over and a few wild creatures have made this their home.

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No New Posts Bella's Meadow

Not even a few miles from the abandoned camp is a meadow full of flowers. Someone built a tree house that was actually quite well furnished and roomy ina large tree near the edge of the meadow. The tree house has a tire swing and a ladder for people to climb up into the tree house that could easily be called home to anyone who wanted to take up residence there and didn't need electricity or water. Most likely this place was meant for camping purposes. The meadow is full of flowers and a beautiful place. There is a sign near the entrance to the meadow that reads "BELLA'S MEADOW Open arms to those who have no where else to go." It's an interesting place but most of the people who visit think it's haunted by something although it seems to be quite new.

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Liban Forest

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Rebirth
Viperess 0 652 by Viperess
Oct 19, 2012 20:41:51 GMT


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Liban Forest
This forest is unlike any other on the planet Earth. You see, Liba is actually in the remaints of an older, much larger country, called America. When the Trees Clappsed, America was already a dead country, so all remaining countries sent their drones to terraform it into the plush forest it is today. Liba is nestles on the coast, near what used to be Los Angeles. Be carefun in these woods, though. Always brimming with Agents, you could find yourself within the camp deep inside...
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