H20 Training Facilities

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Viperess 0 653 by Viperess
Oct 19, 2012 20:41:51 GMT


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H20 Training Facilities
There is a large area set aside for H20 related training. Half of it is filled with locker rooms, showers, and a rather large pool. The pool is 60 x 30 in area, and the depth varies from three feet at the shallow end and fourteen feet at the deep end. The pool is huge! There are diving boards at the deep end. The locker rooms and showers are actually very nice and private, with enough space for up to 200 people to use them all at once. The other half of the H20 Training Facilities is the ice skating rink. It is a large area with a fence around it. For about three hours each day, some unlucky test subjects get forced into doing drills here. Apparently there is a chance they might be sent out to ice covered countries and will need this skill. The pool is only forced upon people who don't pass the annual swimming test that everyone is forced into. If you don't pass, you can look forward to lots of swimming practice...
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