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No New Posts Cells of the successful.

This is where the Test subjects who have managed to survive the entire process of becoming a strange hybrid of species spend their nights. The walls are painfully white, no decoration what-so-ever. The only color you'll find on the floor is red, from the blood of the Test subjects. When they misbehave, and after their brutal punishments they are sent to their cells. These cells' main walls are see through and made of a substance impossible to get through. They are the about two or three rooms big. A bedroom, bathroom, and small living room. The only color you will find in here is white, and all the furniture is securely bolted and welded to the floor. Some cells hold roommates but usually they are for one subject each. Only well behaved test subjects get roommates, there are cameras in every room except for the bathrooms, and every room is bugged, so they know everything you say...

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No New Posts Cells of the Unfinished.

This is where the Test subjects who are becoming a strange hybrid of species spend their nights. The walls are painfully white, no decoration what-so-ever. The only color you'll find on the floor is red, from the blood of the Test subjects. When they misbehave, and after their brutal punishments they are sent to their cells. These cells' main walls are see through and made of a substance impossible to get through. They are the about two or three rooms big. A bedroom, bathroom, and small living room. The only color you will find in here is white, and all the furniture is securely bolted and welded to the floor. Some cells hold roommates but usually they are for one subject each. Only well behaved test subjects get roommates, there are cameras in every room except for the bathrooms, and every room is bugged, so they know everything you say...

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No New Posts Hallways

Like a real a school, their are hallways. Of course there aren't any lockers. These hallways are just a place to walk from place to place. The walls are painfully white, and the linoleum floor is patternless, well unless you count square, square, square as a pattern. Turics guard the halls, and its best not to dilly-dally here. Although it is a place where Test subjects can stretch their legs and communicate with each other.

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No New Posts Cafeteria

This is where the test subjects are allowed to eat. It's open from six AM to eight PM... Their is a snack area just outside the cafeteria that is open 24-7. The foods are almost all healthy. Salads, fruit salads, baked food not fried, all fresh produce. There are cookies, brownies, soda and pizza in there somewhere though. The room has soft lighting, and picnic tables that are wooden. It's not so bad here, but there are werewolf Turic gaurds in every corner keeping an eye on the subjects at all times.

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Level 3

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Rebirth
Viperess 0 653 by Viperess
Oct 19, 2012 20:41:51 GMT


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Level 3
This is the living area for the Test Subjects. Their rooms have fiberglass walls, and are impossible for even the W group's toxic claws to melt through. It is split into sections so that the successful test subjects and the ones still being created are separated. The cafeteria is also found here, where test subjects are allowed to come eat if they behave well. Misbehaving test subjects have food delivered to their cells, so they can't leave their cell at all. Only the good behaving test subjects are allowed to leave their cells, and those who misbehave suffer terrible consequences.
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