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No New Posts Art Room

Int he art room there is all the material you could ever need to express yourself on a canvas or piece of paper. Everything is neatly tucked away in clearly labeled cabinets, cupboards, and desks. There are little locker like area to store your art work, and the person in charge of the place allows people to display their art on the walls. This is probably the most colorful room in the entire building!

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No New Posts Classrooms

All these classrooms are labeled on their doors. They say the grade levels that they teach, and what subject on all the doors. The times that classes start are also posted on the doors. Once you come inside any of these classrooms it seems like any normal high school, even the elementary classrooms are set up like high school classes.

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No New Posts Music Room

This is a large room, set up with instruments of all kinds. The chairs are in rows of larger and large semi circles. There is a large closet in the back for individual instruments that are personal and have cases. The little cubbies are full of oddly shaped, and not so oddly shaped cases. there is a large screen in front of the room, to show the music the band might play. There are several small rooms that branch from the main band room for private practice. There are larger branching off rooms for little rock bands to express themselves if they must. There are tons of books with common songs for the test subjects to go ahead and learn and play.

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No New Posts H20 Training Facilities

There is a large area set aside for H20 related training. Half of it is filled with locker rooms, showers, and a rather large pool. The pool is 60 x 30 in area, and the depth varies from three feet at the shallow end and fourteen feet at the deep end. The pool is huge! There are diving boards at the deep end. The locker rooms and showers are actually very nice and private, with enough space for up to 200 people to use them all at once. The other half of the H20 Training Facilities is the ice skating rink. It is a large area with a fence around it. For about three hours each day, some unlucky test subjects get forced into doing drills here. Apparently there is a chance they might be sent out to ice covered countries and will need this skill. The pool is only forced upon people who don't pass the annual swimming test that everyone is forced into. If you don't pass, you can look forward to lots of swimming practice...

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No New Posts Work Shop and Crafts Center

Here’s a nice place to get creative. It’s a big room with many different kinds of tools and equipment. There are plenty bits of wood, hammers, and nails that occupy this room. There are also instruction manuals that specify how to make anything that ranges from a small bird house, to a good old fashioned wooden rocking chair. For the younger children, there are a few tables quite a distance away from the saw mill that are specifically there for arts and crafts; they usually supply Popsicle sticks, but it is common to come across pom-poms and rainbow pipe cleaners.

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No New Posts Library

Welcome to the library, where you can find books on almost anything. The library is huge, and has a great selection to chose from. There are literally tens of thousands of books. There are also about a hundred computers for researching but they are carefully restricted, they won't allow you to post anything about the SRA or talk to people who are on the outside. So there isn't really any massive multi-player games. There are always those fun puzzle games though!

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Level 5

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Viperess 0 652 by Viperess
Oct 19, 2012 20:41:51 GMT


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Board Description
Level 5
This is the only level of the SRA that is even remotely close to being academy. This level is probably one of the largest. Here is everything educational, from classrooms to libraries, to music rooms, to work shop. There aren't many teachers, so the children pretty much have creative freedom to learn whatever the heck they want. No classes are required, and you only show up when you want to, but there are set times for class to start and they won't let you in if you are late.
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