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No New Posts Zone 1 - Airforce

This area of the military district is full of runways and airplane hangers. The airplanes here are state of the art but none of them are unmanned. The soldiers in the airforce hang out here and take care of the planes. There are staff rooms where the airforce soldiers commonly hang out, and then the ones who are working are usually doing maintenance on the planes. There are constantly planes coming and going since the war with one of their neighboring countries is coming to a close.

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No New Posts Zone 2 - Mecha

This is where the robotic suits called Mecha are held and put to use. Soldiers here actually do work with the police and so after a day of work many soldiers come back here with their suits to hang out with their comrades and drink. There are police mechas, army mechas, and even aquatic warfare mechas. The suits are lined up on walls in the mecha hangers and the tech-heads are always scanning them for repairs or working on making new ones in their maintenance shops.

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No New Posts Zone 3 - Barracks

These buildings have 5 floors below ground and ten floors above ground. They have about 1500 apartments per building for the soldiers and each apartment is usually home to 2-4 soldiers since they go by a room mate system. The barracks are quite nice the only downside would be that they aren't home and the soldiers don't get to see their family.

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No New Posts Zone 4 - Training & Armory

New soldiers arrive here daily and they don't all make it through training. Some are sent home and some actually die. Becoming a soldier is no easy task, and the training is extremely intense. The instructors are all hardcore and the training facilities filter out the weak and make the strong stronger. Every morning soldiers in training run 5 miles before getting to the real work. Those with ambition can become great people here. Most young recruits dream of making a name for themselves and getting their names on the records for being the fastest, strongest, or smartest. Recruits go through a ton of physical training, but also have to go through battlefield simulations. this is also the armory, so already trained soldiers come back here to get equipped for the front lines and there is always a flow of people here.

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No New Posts Zone 5 - Infirmary

Never a quiet place this is a huge hospital full of people who were brought back from the front lines or from the training zone. You definitely don't want to end up here since it usually means that you're at death's door. Those who end up here from training are usually able to return to their normal lives, but if your here from the front lines then you usually aren't so lucky...

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No New Posts Zone 6 - Command and Communications

Nicknamed the nerd base by the ground troops this is where all the brains of the operation sit together and talk strategy. They communicate with those on the front line and tell them what to do. They also monitor pretty much everything the possibly can with their satellites and security systems. Politicians are always in and out of this zone.

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The Military District

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Viperess 0 654 by Viperess
Oct 19, 2012 20:41:51 GMT


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The Military District
This district is home to the entire military of Divinity. It exists on the northern most border of Olympus the capital city of Divinity. Only those involved with the Military can come here.
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