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No New Posts Lake Shore and Pier

The lake shore has pure white sand and compliments the deep blue waters. The sun beats down on the area all year long, never allowing the lake to freeze over, and always maintaining a fresh sparkle on the surface of the water. The pier is stained a mahogany red, and many fishermen hang out there. The shore is frequented by surfers looking to catch a wave, since winds usually drive up some "narly" waves.

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No New Posts The Willow Forest

This forest is primarily willows, and is sometimes called the weeping forest because of it. The local legend about Lillith's lake and the willow forest is that a woman named Lillith committed suicide inside the forest, and it was the first death to occur here since the area was colonized by the Liban colonists. They dedicated this area to her, but no one knows why she did it. Now the forest is a quiet place with few visitors, and the only trails through it are natrual ones. There is quite a bit of wildlife in the forest, and it's considered a reservation so no hunting is allowed here.

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Lillith's Lake

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Viperess 0 654 by Viperess
Oct 19, 2012 20:41:51 GMT


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Lillith's Lake
This lake is huge, and actually has a system of underwater caves somewhere in the middle of the lake. There has always been stories of a lake monster circulating, but no one has ever actually gotten any evidence of a lake monster existing. The lake is frequented by fishermen, and the shores of the lake are surrounded by forestry. This area is in a tucked away area of the large capital city of Liba, but still inside the protective walls of Liba City.
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