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No New Posts Heartlands

This is the last stretch of open range. It is wedged right between the Northern Grasslands, the eastern desert, the beaches to the south, and the mountains to the west. Its a deep valley with rolling hills and a luscious backdrop of long grass. All sorts of creatures roam here, and it can lead to quite a few conflicts. There are also quite a few trees! Those trees are the famous redwoods that stretch up and touch the sky, the forest grown for giants is home to all sorts of wild things.

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No New Posts Eastern Desert

This desert is home to coyotes, and a few bands of wild horses. Ranchers try to avoid this area because the rhino roam here where they are most comfortable. A creek runs right down the middle of this desert, but the water is fast to move on to greener pastures.

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No New Posts Cattle Creek

This here is Cattle Creek. The alloy family and the Felton family have watered their cows here for generations. They built a large fence around the area, cutting off the area from predators for a good portion of acres. Every year the cows are herded down here, the calves are branded, and those who plan on selling their cattle start making estimates. Its quite an adventure since the trip to Cattle Creek is a dangerous event, considered by many a right of passage.

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No New Posts Northern Grasslands

This is where many more of the harmless creatures live. Deer and Herds prefer this area over many other places, but where there is food, predators will come. While you enjoy the beauty of the herbivores, remember that a carnivore could soon be enjoying you as a snack.

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No New Posts Phantom Stallion Beach

This is where the open range meets the open water. The sands of the beach are soft, and the brightest white you can imagine. A ghostly white stallion is said to roam the beach, but as far as anyone knows its only legend. The beach is littered with all sorts of sea shells and other aquatic wonders. There are lots of tide pools as well. There is a series of mysterious caverns near the South side of the beach that have strange drawings on them, and the floors are somehow covered in horse tracks. Some believe the Phantom Stallion is actually a lead stallion that herds his band from the beach to the grasslands using some hidden passage in the caverns that only animals knew about. No one has dared to go in for themselves, and if they have, they haven't come back.

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Open Range

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Viperess 0 654 by Viperess
Oct 19, 2012 20:41:51 GMT


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Open Range
Oh sweet home on the range! Not really, the only creatures that call this place home is the critters that runa round and live there. Many wild horse herds roam the grounds, but so do rattlesnakes, cougars, coyotes, wolves. Deer, rhino and tigers are also known to live here, but the rhinos and tigers came from zoos that fell apart thousands of years ago and released wild animals upon the land. Watch out for those scary creatures.
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